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Member Since 20 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2013 01:38 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Crashdïet - Gothenburg, Sweden (2007.10.19)

28 January 2009 - 09:17 PM


Thank you.

In Topic: Hanoi Rocks - Helsinki, Finland (1985.01.04)

19 January 2009 - 08:22 PM

cool bro, you got it.

Very thankful :lol:

In Topic: Ratt - Pryor, Oklahoma, USA (2008.07.09)

15 January 2009 - 11:40 AM

Thank you so much. Great stuff! :)

In Topic: Mötley Crüe - Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2008.08.28)

14 January 2009 - 11:10 AM

Thank you so much. Worth the wait :)