Poison_1990-08-18_CastleDoningtonEngland_CD_1booklet.jpg230 views11/13/07 at 08:05brelo: Thanks!!!

Tesla_2004-02-03_PhiladelphiaPA_DVD_1cover.jpg212 viewsTesla Acoustic 200411/11/07 at 14:52chaosmountain: Thanks but the set list is incorrect!! #6 is What ...

Poison_1990-08-18_CastleDoningtonEngland_CD_3back.jpg180 views11/10/07 at 11:04master: THANK YOU

LinkinPark_2007-06-08_LisbonPortugal_DVD_1cover.jpg244 viewsLinkin Park live in Portugal @ Alive Festival 200711/06/07 at 13:37Bornunder: Excellent!

Tool_1996-10-16_PomonaCA_DVD_1cover.jpg331 views10/31/07 at 08:59grassyknollgunman: best TOOL cover on here - Awesome

LedZeppelin_xxxx-xx-xx_AntrabataStudioSessionsVol07And08_CD_4inlay.jpg81 views08/29/07 at 21:44ChrisGoes:

MotleyCrue_2006-11-07_LosAngelesCA_CD_1front.jpg85 views08/16/07 at 23:10brunoborjes: THANX VERY GOOD.

SexPistols_1996-12-07_SantiagoChile_CD_1booklet.jpg140 views08/16/07 at 10:35Spawn of Cthulhu: This is a cool cover, great work.

Tool_2006-06-04_LandgraafTheNetherlands_DVD_1cover.jpg363 viewsThe Chosen One08/09/07 at 18:18fatsmurf: Fantastic Cover.. Thanks very much

VelvetRevolver_2007-04-10_SantiagoChile_DVD_1cover.jpg251 viewsDVD Cover08/02/07 at 14:40black soul: excellent cover

KingDiamond_1987-08-03_SanFranciscoCA_DVD_1cover.jpg435 views3 cam mix07/27/07 at 11:24jibben: I really like the King Diamond cover you have done

Hammerfall_1999-04-03_SantiagoChile_DVD_1cover.jpg211 views07/19/07 at 00:45WindrideR: Awesome

Hammerfall_2003-05-15_SantiagoChile_DVD_1cover.jpg218 views07/19/07 at 00:44WindrideR: Awesome

Pantera_xxxx-xx-xx_VH1BehindTheMusic_DVD_1cover.jpg529 viewsVH1 Behind the Music06/28/07 at 13:08black soul: excellent cover

AaronLewis_2007-03-24_AtlantaGA_CD_1booklet.jpg167 viewsLive at the Tabernacle06/25/07 at 18:52leftyjlaj: thats great. wish i had this show.

Tool_1991-09-05_LosAngelesCA_CD_3inlay.jpg177 viewsA Lotus, a Prophet, a Beginning
Tool's first live recording
Soundboard source06/25/07 at 18:42leftyjlaj: love it. used to have a shirt with that on it.

UFO_xxxx-xx-xx_WithoutSchenker_DVD_1cover.jpg354 views06/22/07 at 23:11fangorn: cool cover, but "keep supporting Dio"???

Tool_2006-08-06_FresnoCA_DVD_1cover.jpg525 viewsWake the Fuck Up06/16/07 at 21:33Dassarri: Fantastic job! The skill of the taping and the mak...

TheAquabats_1998-05-06_FullertonCA_DVD_1cover.jpg127 viewsThe Aquabats...Rock Fullerton05/24/07 at 09:16deeb: Awesome Cover. I'm the person who filmed this...

DaysOfTheNew_2007-03-31_FayettevilleNC_CD_1booklet.jpg67 viewsDays of the New live in North Carolina 200705/01/07 at 14:33Spawn of Cthulhu: The background is really cool, good work.

Flyleaf_2006-03-29_KnoxvilleTN_DVD_1cover.jpg128 viewsFlyleaf and ShadowWax on 94.3 Acoustic X-Session 200604/27/07 at 11:33Spawn of Cthulhu: This is an awesome cover, great work!

BuffaloTom_1998-09-xx_Radio3Studio_DVD_1cover.jpg142 viewsBuffalo Tom Acoustic live
-Postcard-04/15/07 at 10:54dries: very nice cover

VelvetRevolver_2006-01-02_HollywoodFL_DVD_1cover.jpg119 viewsLive in Florida04/09/07 at 09:40dries: supercover

PageAndPlant_1995-03-03_KnoxvilleTN_CD_5back.jpg157 viewsThe Night They Drove Old Dixie Down04/01/07 at 02:31acapulcogold:

WhiteZombie_1995-12-14_FairfaxVA_DVD_1cover.jpg260 viewsWhite Zombie live in Fairfax 1995
-Welcome to Fairfax Motherfucker-03/09/07 at 01:10Pingmon: Wow! Very nice work, thanks so much...

LinkinPark_2004-06-06_NurburgGermany_CD_1booklet.jpg152 viewsLinkin Park Rock AM Ring 200403/04/07 at 20:55Spawn of Cthulhu: This cover's blending options and background m...

SonicYouth_1996-04-07_DuesseldorfGermany_DVD_1cover.jpg195 viewsSonic Youth live in Germany 1996
-Oster Rocknacht Festival-02/14/07 at 15:07Lello: Cool THX a lot for your work

Apocalyptica_2005-07-12_MontreuxSwitzerland_DVD_1cover.jpg235 viewsApocalyptica live in Switzerland 2005
-Monstrous Apocalypse-02/04/07 at 07:55tim42: Very great job. Thanks Mr Metal

Tool_2006-08-06_FresnoCA_DVD_2disc.jpg248 viewsWake the Fuck Up01/22/07 at 14:55Anima.Nigra: Nice work. Thank You!!

Pantera_xxxx-xx-xx_VH1BehindTheMusic_DVD_1cover.jpg529 viewsVH1 Behind the Music01/14/07 at 13:54m0n0xiDe: great looking cover! where'd you get those rar...