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Member Since 31 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 16 2011 05:23 AM

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In Topic: Dream Theater - Kiev, Ukraine (2011.07.14)

03 September 2011 - 02:40 PM

http://www.bootlegcoverart.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pos=-16825 cover
http://www.bootlegco....php?pos=-16820 stomp

Screenshots quality were excellent to use one as to fill an entire cover.
But as the stage is too big, it was probably impossible to capture the
entire band in a screenshot. So i used 4 screenshots on the back, and used
a Dream Theater Wallpaper with bandlogo up front.

Hope you like these creations, Enjoy! :)

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Thanks!, looks great! :-)

In Topic: Dream Theater - Kiev, Ukraine (2011.07.14)

02 September 2011 - 02:22 AM

Thanks for the quick response!


In Topic: Dream Theater - Kiev, Ukraine (2011.07.14)

31 August 2011 - 07:28 PM

Here are the screenshots!

Attached File  vlcsnap-127447.jpg   225.51KB   3 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-127590.jpg   151.81KB   5 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-127760.jpg   132.9KB   5 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-127817.jpg   177.47KB   6 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-127364.jpg   237.71KB   4 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-127556.jpg   217.05KB   4 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-127964.jpg   214.44KB   5 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-127996.jpg   222.2KB   5 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-128322.jpg   380.14KB   5 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-128367.jpg   362.32KB   5 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-128444.jpg   372.61KB   6 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-128544.jpg   264.62KB   8 downloads
Attached File  vlcsnap-128687.jpg   174.53KB   4 downloads

In Topic: Dream Theater - Kiev, Ukraine (2011.07.14)

31 August 2011 - 07:16 PM

see if this helps http://www.bootlegco...ots-from-a-dvd/

Thanks! didnt know i could play the Blu-ray with VLC, got some nice screenshots!
Cant wait for the artwork! :-)