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Page And Plant, " The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down", Knoxville, Tennessee, March, 3rd, 1995

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#11 Guest_acapulcogold_*

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 03:15 PM

No problem, I'm glad that I could find you an image large enough for you.

Cheers :)

#12 Kathlib the Prophet

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 06:25 PM

Do you have the images that you want used to replace the faces?

#13 Kathlib the Prophet

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 07:30 PM

Also, I don't suppose you'd know the name of the tour that this show was performed on?

#14 Guest_acapulcogold_*

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Posted 31 March 2007 - 02:55 AM

I don't have any particular preferences on the faces that need too be replaced.

Maybe some faces of soldiers from the civil war might be fitting to the art, I'll see if I can find some, these are just some ideas, like I said, I'm open to any ideas you might have mate.

And the tour that this show was apart of was the " No Quarter" tour.

Cheers and again, my deepest thanks to you.

#15 Guest_acapulcogold_*

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Posted 31 March 2007 - 05:22 PM

I found some images that I thought might work, these are from the civil war.

The General Robert E. Lee From the Confederate troops

General P.G.T Beauregard from the confederacy

Ulysses S. Grant from the North

These are some other pics that I thought might also be fitting

Howlin Wolf, blues musician, at the end of the show the venue played his song " Smokestack Lightning".

Knoxville is also the place where Hank Williams died, thought that a pic of him might also work

And finally, if you can find a good picture of Randy Rhodes, that could work as well, his last show was played in Knoxville.

Hope these help in any way.


#16 Kathlib the Prophet

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Posted 31 March 2007 - 07:31 PM

Almost finished, but I have a few questions about your text:

You don't have a source listed for 4) Celebration Day or 4) Calling To You (Medley...). Shouldn't there be sources for those two tracks?

You wrote the source legend out of order so I just wanted you to verify that the source numbers correspond to the correct symbol:

* : Source One
+: Source Three
^: Source Two

#17 Guest_acapulcogold_*

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Posted 31 March 2007 - 09:52 PM

Almost finished, but I have a few questions about your text:

You don't have a source listed for 4) Celebration Day or 4) Calling To You (Medley...). Shouldn't there be sources for those two tracks?

You wrote the source legend out of order so I just wanted you to verify that the source numbers correspond to the correct symbol:

* : Source One
+: Source Three
^: Source Two

Looking forward to seeing it mate

Sorry about that, I'll fix that right away, for those tracks I used the first source, and the third source, so beside those tracks it should be * +.

I did it in that order to correspond with how much of each source I used to make the project, the most to the least, so I do know it's out of order, but it was meant to show how much of each source I used to make the project, but if you think it would be better in chronological order, that's fine mate.



#18 Kathlib the Prophet

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Posted 31 March 2007 - 10:24 PM

Here you go, enjoy.

Disc One
Disc Two

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#19 Guest_acapulcogold_*

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Posted 31 March 2007 - 11:05 PM

I love it, can't thank you enough.


#20 Guest_acapulcogold_*

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Posted 01 April 2007 - 02:39 AM

I'll be uploading this project to share with everyone soon, I'll post a link when I do so if anyone is interested.

Thanks again for the art mate.


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