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Member Since 16 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 18 2010 07:42 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: King Diamond - Barcelona, Spain (1990.03.03)

23 May 2009 - 03:57 AM

What an amazing job my friend, thank you so much... this is great!
I'm very grateful for that!
Thanks again!

PS: What should i do with the extra live recording that is in the same DVD? I don't know how split videos...

In Topic: Mercyful Fate - Eindhoven, The Netherlands (1983.04.09)

10 May 2009 - 09:35 PM


I found it when i just printed the cover, in the middle of the cover says: MERCIFUL FATE instead of MERCYFUL FATE.
I hope you can fixed it so i can re-printed again!

Thanks a lot!

In Topic: Mercyful Fate - Eindhoven, The Netherlands (1983.04.09)

29 April 2009 - 06:36 AM

Jajaja, hablablan espaņol? que chevere... te quedo excelente el cover.... muy underground, haber si seguimos con el apoyo a esta pagina que esta genial!

In Topic: Mercyful Fate - Eindhoven, The Netherlands (1983.04.09)

25 April 2009 - 03:17 AM

I saw a mistake on the cover: the spine says: DINAMO and is with Y: so it should be: DYNAMO, also the stomp has the same DINAMO istead of DYNAMO.

Thanks and i hope you can fix it!

Thanks again bro!

In Topic: Mercyful Fate - Eindhoven, The Netherlands (1983.04.09)

25 April 2009 - 03:14 AM

You gotta be kidding me!!! What a great cover you did it!! that's awesome... scare the sh** out me... THANKS A LOT!!
I got 2 more cover request, when i got it... believe me... i have tons of material to make a cover and i'll make you sure... that i'll be a donating guy... you got the word of satan ! lol!

Thanks a lot and keep supporting bootleg collectors like me!